connecting beautiful crystals with people who love and enjoy them. 

Maybe you know the feeling: you're walking along a riverbed, across a desert, or just along a gravel road, when suddenly, a particular stone seems to jump out at you. Maybe it's an agate, an old piece of quartzite, or a rounded river rock.

Whatever the stone, the experience is the same: simple joy.

At Grove of Stones, we believe this feeling stems from the magical ways that crystals, minerals and stones connect people to the elements, including those within the heart, mind, spirit, and body. Tanya Pluth, Grove of Stone's founder, has dozens of years of experience finding high quality crystals and minerals, and studying the spiritual, magickal, and healing properties of stones. Read more about Tanya's work with stones below. 

We travel to find incredible crystals and minerals across the U.S. and Canada. When we're lucky, we dig them out of the ground with our own hands. Otherwise, we shake hands with the miners who brought the stones out from under the Earth and promise to share them with people who will appreciate the specimens that hard work revealed. On rare occasions, we buy from third party dealers - these tend to be very special items that we bring forward for the purpose of finding them their next great resting spot.  Find us at local rock and gem shows, at spiritually minded events and conferences, and online.

Check out some of the great stones available on the Grove of Stones Etsy shop!

Earth elements 

Earth elements connect us to our beings and bring us into closer proximity to the forces of creation and persistence. Stones, weathered and worn. Stones, perfect in angle and color from a bedrock pocket opened to the air and sky.

At Grove of Stones, we collect stones from known sources and, as much as possible, engage in fair trade practices for stones bought from overseas vendors. We ask about location, tools used in the process, and remediation for lost habitat due to stone collection.

The Stone Shepherd

Tanya Pluth, founder of Grove of Stones, grew up looking for agates on county gravel roads in Minnesota, and watching relatives make jewelry with precious stones. Tanya learned to select and work with stones from a shaman who paired stones as tools for healing, ceremony, and sacred purposes. Tanya is gifted in pairing people with stones. At a recent expo, a colleague gave Tanya the nickname "The Stone Shepherd" because of her ability to pair people with just the right stone. Tanya travels extensively to locate the most "alive" stones to share with others. She purchases, whenever possible, directly from the miners themselves, and as a result is able to ensure proper treatment of the stones along their journeys. She often "rehabs" stones that experienced shock when coming out into the air. If you are looking for a particular stone, be sure to ask Tanya! She'd love to hear what you are looking for and find just the right stone for you.